Practical guide to the resistance
How to resist to brain merchants

o       Do not repress curiosity and thirst for knowledge
o       Do always ask and ask yourself “why?”
o       Observe the world, better using a magnifying glass and a telescope
o       Travel (i.e. stay for a time greater than 24 hours in a place located at a distance greater than 100 km from the location of origin and taking direct contact with the locals)
o       Find a way to make every new experience flourish, do not limit it to give temporary benefits
o       Learn at least one more language, other than the mother tongue
o       Make your motto be “mens sana in corpore sano”
o       Do sport or any form of physical movement at least two times per week
o       Limit the use of alcoholic drinks to amounts which favor and stimulate the creative power and socialization
(Note: the present blog has been conceived and written without taking any alcoholic drink)
o       In the event of a strong desire for smoking, do imagine doing that
o       Avoid eating too much (especially if the food is not well prepared and if scarce quality products are used in the preparation)
o       Feed yourself, whenever possible, with genuine, authentic, local products
o       Do use cooking recipes only for basic notions, exploiting the opportunity to cultivate you creativity even in these field
o       Follow the “instructions for use” only in the event of extreme need
o       Use your GPS only if needed, still avoiding to completely and passively relying on it
o       Watch TV maximum 1 hour per day on average, avoiding idiot programs (allowed only if useful means for learning a new language, but in such a case remember to restore the equilibrium by watching a smart program or by reading a good book)
o       Interview  at least once in your life a partisan; in the event you do not know any partisan or if you are reading the present guide in 2050 or later, do read a book or look for information (e.g. on the web) over the topic resistance
(Note: in the event that an interview to a partisan is possible, please be generous with the future generations, i.e. write/register the result of the interview)
o       Do study some quantum physics and relativity; if you are really bad in sciences, read at least a popular scientific document on the subject or a text on philosophy of science
o       Do visit a museum or an art exposition from time to time
o       Go to the theatre from time to time
o       Find the time to enjoy nature
o       Do not trust imitations and avoid to imitate
o       Stop and think in the event that the following though arise: “everyone does that”
o       Do not just say “someone will think about that” when you find out that something does not work: on the opposite take yourself the initiative and do your best to improve… a non-zero probability that someone will follow will arise
o       Find place and time to develop your own ideas, even if the daily obligations seem to oppose this process (often ideas in the embryonic stage, requiring long times to be developed and realized, happen to be the most efficient in the long term)
o       Do not repress your own ideas, even if they do not appear to have coherent shape yet, or if they seem not being in tune with reality, and in spite of the astonished looks of the listeners/observers (ideas will flourish in a concrete shape also thanks to the interaction with the external world)
o       Say “no” from time to time to your superior, avoid accomplishing duties if you are not convinced of their utility or if you think they are against your own principles
o       Do not limit yourself to listen to news from one single source
o       Do not judge too fast, do not use too easily schemes and simplifications: first analyze in depth the situation
o       Before making a choice, do analyze in depth the motivations
o       Do create a blog (and do not give up if no one read it!)
o       Use you imagination to adapt and improve the rules presented in this document, in the event you do not agree with them